A vigilia da devassidão

E, como quando eu recolher, talvez a senhora Josefa esteja entregue ao sono da inocência, ou à vigília da devassidão "Os Maias: episodios da vida romantica" Eça de Queiroz

terça-feira, julho 26, 2005

Ridiculous times we are living in...

There are flickers of bigotry and thinly-disguised racism, but there are also convincingly understated descriptions of people's edginess - and examples of how it is changing people's behaviour, including a number who say they have stopped taking Tube trains.

Marcus, who says his family are Greek-Cypriot, has devised a strategy to avoid "odd looks" on the Tube (which he attributes to his Mediterranean appearance).

To make himself seem non-threatening, he now wears a Make Poverty History wristband and makes a point of reading the Economist.

"Whilst this sounds ridiculous it does reassure people around me. Of course, the whole thing is ridiculous but these are ridiculous times we are living in," he writes.

BBC News