A vigilia da devassidão

E, como quando eu recolher, talvez a senhora Josefa esteja entregue ao sono da inocência, ou à vigília da devassidão "Os Maias: episodios da vida romantica" Eça de Queiroz

segunda-feira, julho 11, 2005


Decidi esperar uns dias, escrever uma opinião a frio. Faltam-me palavras capazes de articular aquilo que sinto, mas acabo de encontrar dois parágrafos na BBCNews que mais ou menos traduzem o meu ponto de vista.

"Countering political violence isn't easy. It takes rigid self-discipline on the part of government and people. And it takes a degree of proportion and self-awareness too. Thursday was a terrible day for London; yet we mustn't forget that much the same number of people died that day in Iraq, and no one dedicated acres of newsprint to them.

We must hunt the bombers down, because they have committed a vicious crime against society. But we mustn't throw away the calm and self-possession which every decent society needs. It's not weakness; it's our greatest strength."

John Simpson (BBCNews)