A vigilia da devassidão

E, como quando eu recolher, talvez a senhora Josefa esteja entregue ao sono da inocência, ou à vigília da devassidão "Os Maias: episodios da vida romantica" Eça de Queiroz

terça-feira, janeiro 11, 2005

Esta curta-metragem promete...


Michael Rainin, U.S., 2004; 15m
In this clever reimagining of Samuel Beckett's classic play Waiting for Godot, two Hasidic men sit on a bench in Central Park discussing religion, therapy, and relationships. They are waiting, of course, for Woody Allen to arrive and give meaning to their lives. Waiting for Woody Allen is at once tragic, comic, and oddly faithful to the spirit of Beckett's seminal work.